Varicocele Embolization

კითხვა: Hi , i want to ask about the cost of the Varicocele Embolization ? Thank you

Hello, Varicocele is the medical name for an abnormal network of veins in the scrotum around the testicle. Varicoceles can be on the left or right side, or sometimes on both sides. Varicoceles are relatively common (affecting around 15 of every 100 men). Normally, blood flows to the testicles through the testicular artery and out via the testicular veins. The direction of blood flow in the testicular vein should always be back towards the heart. A series of one-way valves in the testicular vein prevent the reverse flow of blood back to the testicles. Sometimes these valves are not present or fail for unclear reasons. This causes blood to pool in the veins around the testicle, forming a varicocele. Varicoceles are most easily noted when standing, as gravity lets the abnormal veins fill up. Often, varicoceles cause no symptoms and are harmless. Occasionally, varicoceles can cause an aching or discomfort in the scrotum. There is debate about whether varicoceles are associated with male infertility. Embolization is a specialised, non-surgical method to treat varicoceles, which are causing discomfort or infertility. It is permanent and uses either special metal coils or foam to block the abnormal testicular vein(s). The normal veins are preserved. Varicocele embolization is performed via a small cut in either the neck or the groin. A special wire and tube is then steered inside the testicular veins using x-rays to guide the interventional radiologist. This allows targeted treatment of the abnormal vein from within the vein itself. We will arrange for you to have some blood tests. The doctor needs to see a list of all of your medications (tablets, inhalers, creams), so please bring a copy of your current prescriptions with you. In our clinic the Varicocele Embolization cost is 6500 GEL = 2600 $ about
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