Today our respondent is head of the Obstetrics Unit of the clinic “New Life”, Aleko Diakonidze
Aleko Diakonidze finished the Faculty of Medicine at Kutaisi Akaki Tsereteli State University, also completed a general residency program in the field of Pediatrics at Tbilisi State Medical University, studied obstetrics-gynecology at St. Ioakim and Ann’s Maternity Hospital. He’s been working at the clinic "New Life" of National Center of Surgery as the head of the Obstetrics Unit since 2017.
- When and why did you choose your profession and the particular field you work in?
– The desire to become a doctor formed with my consciousness and all my life I've worked towards fulfilling this desire. I chose a specific field of obstetrics-gynecology as I gained information about clinical activities. Contact with the beginning of life made a deep impression on me.
- What does it mean to be a doctor for you?
–As I’ve mentioned above, being a doctor isn’t just a profession. It’s the meaning of life. It’s a daily life with great responsibility that became a source of pride on numerous occasions.
- What do you consider the biggest challenge to this profession?
– The greatest challenge to being a doctor is the complicated and long path you need to take to establish yourself in this profession. Also, the competition that's quite high in modern Georgian medicine.
- What is the greatestwish and goal you’d like to achieve in your professional career?
–All of my profession as a doctor I’ve worked on establishing myself in this field and developing professionally. For me, the number of satisfied patients is the indicator of success, that’s why I wish myself numerous grateful patients.
- What advice would you give to those who are choosing their profession now?
– First of all, love your profession. Specifically for the ones wanting to become a doctor, I’d advise them to have an immense will and work hard to master this profession. It’s not an easy path. You might encounter disappointments, but the pleasure that comes with being a doctor is so great that it’s worth it.
- What do you think about the latest challenge to medicine – COVID 19?
–I think that COVID-19 is the greatest and uncommon challenge of our century, which completely changed the reality for all of us. Albeit, I believe it remains a great challenge only because of the unknown nature of the virus. I think the world will be able to overcome this challenge in the century of genetic engineering.
- How do you see the development of your field even in 20 years?
– Obstetrics-gynecology is one of the most advanced fields of the last decade. I think this development will continue.
Wish you health!