If you are pregnant and suffer from primary hyperhidrosis, read the interesting recommendations
Most pregnant women complain of sweating, or hyperhidrosis, which usually develops at night.
Sweating is very common during pregnancy. Moreover, it is neither the result of an increase air temperature, nor the use of any food product. All of this is usually due to changes in the hormonal background. In addition to hormonal changes, one of the potential causes may be an overestimation of the permissible norm of SMI (body mass index). Therefore, it is better to control the weight. During the first trimester, natural changes in the endocrine system and hormonal background increase the secretion of the sebaceous glands, which may change the structure of the skin - shiny and sensitive skin becomes oily and dry.
The second trimester is characterized by stabilization of sweating while the skin condition is normalized. However, the body's need for water increases, which, of course, determines the released amount of sweat.
Also, one of the important factors should not be overlooked - one of the causes of excessive sweating during pregnancy may be thyroid pathology. That is why thyroid research is done and thyroid hormone (TSH) is determined in the blood in the first trimester (often before 13 weeks), especially since The Republic of Georgia is considered an endemic center.
What method can a pregnant women use during hyperhidrosis
We must remember that sweating during pregnancy is not dangerous and it does not need treatment, and in case of hyperhidrosis, you can simply apply simple hygienic procedures with a contrast shower. Use only hypoallergenic deodorant, creams, balms and skin moisturizers to prevent irritation of dry skin.
General types of recommendations for pregnant women
Avoid taking anti- hyperhidrosis medications. They affect hormonal changes that may harm the baby.
- Most importantly, get plenty of fluids, especially water, cool drinks are also possible (less sweet juices and compotes, milk), i.e. adequate hydration is needed. How to check for adequate fluid intake? Urine should not be concentrated, i.e dark in color, but should be light, transparent, which is a sign of a good result;
- Exclude from the diet foods that cause hyperhidrosis, such as: caffeine, some spices; It is benefitial to wear cotton linen and shawls;
- To normalize the body temperature regime, it is necessary to adjust the sleep regime. It is reasonable to sleep at least 8 hours;
- Avoid over-active physical activity, but walk and exercise more in the fresh air, which is beneficial not only for you, but also for your future baby.
Wish you Health!