Pregnancy and early signs of it – How can you tell you’re pregnant?

Pregnancy, one of the most beautiful and enjoyable periods in women’s life, lasts for 38-40 weeks from the first day of the last menstruation cycle.

What are early signs of pregnancy, when and using which method is it possible to early diagnose pregnancy?

Several symptoms exist that appear in early stages of pregnancy.

Tatia Tskhomelidze,   obstetrician-gynæcologist and the head of the prenatal observation department at “New Life” Clinic, National Center of Surgery, is here to discuss the topic. 

Presumed signs of pregnancy:

1. Normally, the first symptom of pregnancy is missed menstruation period in a regular menstruation cycle.  

2. Afterwards, pregnancy is confirmed by a specific test, sold in pharmacies.  

Pregnancy testWhich color line indicates pregnancy?

Pregnancy tests are marked with two lines.

If after coming in contact with urine, two lines turned red, approximately nine months later you will become a mother.

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Pregnancy, it’s dubious, presumed and definite signs

There are dubious, presumed and definite signs of pregnancy. For example, missing menstruation period is a presumed one.  

Dubious signs of pregnancy:

  • Nausea
  • Sometimes vomiting
  • drowsiness
  • Mood swings
  • Mammary glands tension
  • Frequent urination
  • Skin pigmentation

Excluding pregnancy tests and dubious symptomps, what other methods could be used for pregnancy confirmation?

As Ms. Tatia stated in our interview, definite sign for pregnancy confirmation is ultrasound test – visualizing embryo/fetus and listening to the heartbeat.

What does it mean when pregnancy test is positive but it’s not visible via echoscopy?

There are situations, where despite the  test [two red lines], pregnancy is not visible in uterus. It might mean it’s still in early stages of pregnancy, albeit ecotopic pregnancy (extra uterine pregnancy) can not be excluded either.

Obstetrician-gynæcologist states “In cases like that it’s possible to measure the level of chorionic gonadotropin. It is considered that if chorionic gonadotropin is 5mUI/ml or less, pregnancy is not confirmed. Whereas, 25mIU/ml confirms pregnancy and numbers should be doubled in 24-72 hours. Nevertheless, we should not forget that on a certain level of chorionic gonadotropin, it is possible to view the embryo in uterus through echoscopy. In other words if chorionic gonadotropin is 1500-2000mIU/ml, it’s possible to visualize pregnancy using echoscopy

“New Life” clinic address: Tbilisi, Dighomi, Lubliana str. N21a

You may contact “New Life’ Clinic via call center at 577 059 900

For consultation regarding any issues, you may contact “New Life” clinic’s obstetrician-gynæcologist, Tatia Tskhomelidzes at 577 11 91 00

Wish you health!