„New Life” Clinic provides full-body computed tomography on Georgia's only ultra-modern, 160-layer computed tomography, the Toshiba Aquilion Lightning SP, at an unheard-of low price.
Instead of 700 GEL, perform a computed tomography examination on the following organs for only 500 GEL:
- Computed tomography of the brain;
- Computed tomography of the chest cavity;
- Abdominal and pelvic organ contrast studies;
- A complete examination of the blood vessels of the chest and abdomen (aorta, pulmonary artery, renal arteries, mesenteric blood vessels) with angio regime;
- CT scans of the spine and both pelvic-femoral joints.
The aforementioned study will be carried out on the doctor's recommendation and with their reference!
After getting the examination results, you will be entitled to a free consultation with a doctor of the appropriate profile.
The promotion is valid every Monday and Saturday!
If you want to take advantage of this promotion, please register in advance at 577 059 900!
Give us a call