What is the purpose of the color of the uniform from a medical point of view and what important details are provided in the colors of the surgical uniform.
Most of the population thinks that the color of the medical uniform is chosen by the doctor according to the subjective desire.
However, you may have wondered why surgeons only wear green uniforms, including directly during surgery.
Significant medical changes
As you saw in the previous article, at the end of the nineteenth century, a new era in medicine began and the color white became a symbol of purity. The color change served to restore public confidence in the doctor, while the sterile treatment of the hands served to develop new skills.
The color of the surgeon's uniform is determined by an important factor that may be a prerequisite for the success of the surgery.
An important discovery by an apprehensive physician
Historically, all medical personnel wore white robes. In 1914, one influential physician gave up his traditional uniform in favor of first the green and then the blue uniform.
The problem, that this clever doctor found was that the white color could cut off surgeons' eyes for a few seconds if they shifted from a dark red color to the white clothes of their colleagues. If you observe, the same thing happens to you when you first go outside in the winter and instantly stare at the whitewashed brightly colored snowy arena.
Green and blue are the opposite of red and during surgery, the surgeon almost always focuses on red blood. It is the blue and green colors that help the surgeon concentrate on vision.
Given that some surgeries last for many hours, the physician's eye needs to have such a discharge of vision, as it is these colors that help the surgeon concentrate, which significantly reduces their chance of inadvertently manipulating during surgery.
Wish you health!