For the body to function properly, sleep is vital.
For the body to function properly, sleep is vital.
Melatonin is the primary hormone that controls the sleep-wake cycle.
Numerous factors, including other hormones, affect the regulation of melatonin.
Insomnia is common around the world for several reasons. Endocrine problems are among them, and they might have an impact on sleep quality.
According to research, nearly every endocrine organ malfunction can result in insomnia, disrupted sleep, trouble falling asleep, and daytime drowsiness.
Among them are:
- Dysfunction of the thyroid gland
- Obesity and diabetes
- Vitamin D deficiency
- Premenstrual, climacteric syndrome
- Menstrual cycle disorder and hyperprolactinemia
- Stress hormones
- Electrolyte imbalance
Consequently, insomnia raises the risk of the aforementioned conditions as well as numerous others.
The endocrinologist prescribes the required tests and, if necessary, treatment to identify the cause of insomnia based on particular symptoms and manifestations. Treatment, along with lifestyle modifications, aids the patient in reestablishing a regular sleep schedule.
,,Ne Life" clinic is equipped with ultra-modern equipment and a team of highly qualified doctors.
To book an appointment with endocrinologist Nino Abesadze, please call the clinic number: +995 577 059 900 or +995 322 12 25 25
Address: Dighomi, G. Zhvania 7 (former Lubliana 29)
Wish you health!
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