Colorectal (The Colon and Rectum) Cancer Screening

We offer colorectal cancer screening for women and men aged 50-70 years

„New Life” Clinic for the population of the district, especially those over 50, offers promotion for colorectal research.

Screening can benefit those part of the population who can not profit from the support of the Tbilisi City Hall program!

At the initiative of the clinic, we offer free stool analysis to women and men aged 50-70 (special test for occult bleeding).

Keep in mind!

Before examining the stool for occult bleeding, proper preparation is essential. For 2-3 days the patient should follow certain recommendations where

It is forbidden:

  1. Getting green vegetables;
  2. Beets;
  3. Pomegranate;
  4. Egg;
  5. Meat;
  6. Fish;
  7. Tomato;
  8. Apple;
  9. Buckwheat.

The following group of medications is not allowed for 3 days before the examination:

  • Laxatives;
  • Rectal suppositories;
  • Sleeping and/or sedatives;
  • Neurological medications;
  • Kaolin;
  • Barium sulfate;
  • Preparations containing iron and bismuth;
  • Activated charcoal tablets.

After a fecal occult blood test (FOBT) is performed, if occult bleeding is confirmed in the stool sample, patients will receive a free consultation with a proctologist, where the specialist will determine the need for further research and /or select individual treatment tactics.

If you wish to use the screening, please register in advance at the contact number of the call center: 577 119 119 or 2 02 25 25.

Wish you health!