Treatment of morbid obesity at the ,,New Life’ clinic
Gastric ballooning is a 30-minute endoscopic procedure that is the newest method of getting rid of excess weight. Unlike other weight loss methods, the main advantage of this procedure is its simplicity. Manipulation is carried out without surgery.
How is gastric ballooning done?
At the initial stage, a comprehensive examination of the patient is necessary. A balloon is placed endoscopically in the stomach, which remains in the patient's stomach for several months.
The stomach's volume is partially filled by the balloon, which lessens the sensation of hunger. Rarely, but after the procedure, the patient could feel discomfort in their gastrointestinal tract. In this instance, routine check-ups with an endocrinologist and a gastroenterologist are required to ensure that the patient's condition is continuously monitored.
Advantages of gastric balloon:
- Less trauma;
- Maintaining the organic functions of the stomach without disturbances;
- Minimal complication risk;
- Fewer side effects;
- Almost does not require rehabilitation (subscribing to the apartment on the same or the next day).
At the same time, the patient almost does not have to control the diet, because the feeling of hunger disappears by itself.
In general, the procedure can be repeated one year after the balloon is removed. And practice shows - the one-time procedure is so effective that it is no longer necessary to repeat it!
You can get rid of the problems caused by excess weight at the ,,New Life" Clinic.
Start a new life at the clinic of the ,,New Life"!
Free consultation of endoscopist Giorgi Sichinava every Thursday and Saturday
The cost is 5500 or 4900 GEL depending on the type of cylinder.
To book a consultation in advance, please call us on the hotline number +995 577 059 900 or +995 322 12 25 25
Wish you health!