The clinic “New Life” announces a promotion in the field of rheumatology.
For 70 Gel instead of 115 Gel, we offer you:
- Consultation with a doctor-rheumatologist;
- Of any joint ultrasound imaging.
Promotion is valid every Tuesday.
You will be consulted by Rheumatologist Tamar Gogilashvili and Radiologist Marina Sakhelashvili.
You should utilize the promotion if you have the following symptoms:
- Pain when climbing stairs;
- Pain at the onset of motion that decreases and passes in time;
- Exacerbation of pain when lifting heavy materials;
- Joint swelling;
- Morning stiffness;
- Weakness;
- Motion restriction.
Please make an appointment in advance at 577 059 900 to utilize aforesaid promotion!
Wish you health!
Give us a call