Clinic “New Life” offers promotion in the field of cardiology

Clinic “New Life” offers promotion in the field of cardiology

Electrocardiogram, stress test, cardiac ultrasound, holter, and consultation with a cardiologist only for 120 Gel instead of 200 Gel!

Promotion comprises all essential tests necessary for assessment of the cardiovascular system and prompt diagnostics in case of hidden diseases.

The primary component of the promotion is the electrocardiographic stress test, which is a treadmill. It’s possible to diagnose myocardial ischemia or assess the degree of it with a stress test.

It’s recommended for:

  • Patients affected by congenital or acquired heart defects;
  • Diabetic people who plan to exercise intensively;
  • Asymptomatic males aged above 40 who lead mostly inactive, sedentary lifestyle;
  • Individuals who experience arrhythmia during physical stress;  
  • Athletes and individuals who are preparing for intense physical stress.

Our clinic offers the following within the promotion:

  • Consultation with a cardiologist;
  • Electrocardiogram;
  • Cardiac ultrasound;
  • Stress test- treadmill – if necessary;
  • Holter (24-hour monitoring of heart) – if necessary.

For additional information regarding the treadmill, please, view the link.

Promotion is valid every Monday and Wednesday!

If interested, please, make an appointment in advance at 577 059 900.

Clinic “New Life” address: Tbilisi, Dighomi, Lubliana str. №29.

Wish you health!

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