“Pink October” – International Breast Cancer Awareness Month

“Pink October” – International Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is acknowledged as International Breast Cancer Awareness Month and is called "Pink October." A pink ribbon is an essential part of this campaign.

The campaign aims to provide information to society about necessity of early detection of breast cancer symptoms, regular self-exams and screenings.

Prevention, diagnostics, and treatment of breast cancer are one of the priorities of the clinic "New Life,". The clinic joins "Pink October" with a promotion.

For detailed information about the promotion, please, go to the link.

What should readers know about breast cancer?

Breast cancer ranks first among oncologic diseases in women.

Recently, an increase in numbers and rejuvenation of the disease has been detected.

It’s primarily detected through nodules in the breast, and with local spread, it is also characterized by generalization, metastasis, i.e., the spread of masses in different organs. 

Breast cancer has following symptoms:

  • Mass or any lumps in the breast;
  • Changes in breast shape;
  • Changes in the breast skin (deformation, swelling, redness, inverted teat, a dark discharge from the teat);
  • Nodules in the underarm.

Albeit, it’s feasible for the disease to exist without symptoms and complaints, and that's why periodic and regular examinations with a breast physician are critical!

We want to remind readers that breast cancer is not a verdict, and it is feasible to defeat the disease– examples of numerous cured patients are proof of that.

The latest technologies and modern methods of treatment established in the clinic “New Life” enables prevention, appropiate studies, and treatment of breast disease.

Let’s fight breast cancer together!

Wish you health!